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Meeting object

The meeting object represents a booked meeting that was scheduled through a Smart Schedule, personal scheduling page, or team scheduling page. The object contains a foreign key reference for the meeting in the email server's calendar, meeting meta data, and invitee email information. Also included are the questions and responses entered into the forms when the meeting was booked. The meeting object may be useful for creating accounts, contacts or leads for the booking user, tracking/update meeting based KPIs or other custom workflows important to your organization.

The Meeting schema

    "id": "",
    "emailMeetingId": "",
    "zoomMeetingId": null,
    "organizationId": "",
    "meetingStart": "",
    "meetingEnd": "",
    "isCanceled": false,
    "meetingOwner": {
        "userId": "",
        "username": "",
        "lastName": "",
        "firstName": ""
    "meetingInfo": {
        "primaryInviteeName": "",
        "primaryInvitee": "",
        "optionalInvitees": "",
        "meetingName": "",
        "location": "",
        "existingEmailMeetingId": null,
        "calendarUrl": "",
        "organizationPath": "",
        "calendarPath": "",
        "formValues": [
                "question": "",
                "answerText": ""
        "surveyQuestions": [
                "answer": "",
                "isRequired": false,
                "question": ""


id string

The Cirrus Insight identifier for this booked meeting.

emailMeetingId string

The external system identifier for the event in Office 365, Exchange, or Google Calendar.

zoomMeetingId string

(optional) The Zoom meeting identifier.

organizationId string

The Cirrus Insight organization identifier.

meetingStart string

The meeting start time formatted as an ISO 8601 string in UTC.

meetingEnd string

The meeting end time formatted as an ISO 8601 string in UTC.

isCanceled boolean

A flag indicating if the meeting was canceled through Cirrus Insight scheduling.

meetingOwner object

The Cirrus Insight user on who's calendar the meeting was scheduled.

child attributes

userIdstringThe Cirrus Insight identifier for the meeting owner's user record.
usernamestringThe user's username, typically email format.
lastNamestringLast name of the meeting owner.
firstNamestringFirst name of the meeting owner.

meetingInfo object

The meetingInfo object contains information about the meeting, including the primary invitee, organization path, meeting name, and more.

Child attributes

primaryInviteeNamestringThe name of the main invitee to the meeting; typically the individual who scheduled the meeting.
primaryInviteestringThe email address of the primaryInvitee.
optionalInviteesstringA (comma-separated) list of optional invitees for the meeting. Entered by the primaryInvitee when scheduling the meeting.
meetingNamestringThe name of the meeting.
locationstringThe location of the meeting.
existingEmailMeetingIdstringThe external system identifier for the event in Office 365, Exchange, or Google Calendar.
calendarUrlstringThe URL of the calendar scheduling page that was used to schedule the meeting.
organizationPathstringThe vanity partial-path of the organization in the scheduling link.
calendarPathstringThe vanity partial-path of the scheduling page.
formValueslist(See below) A list of form values entered when the meeting was booked.
surveyQuestionslist(See below) A list of survey questions associated with the meeting.

formValues list

The (optional) formValues list contains the questions and answers from the intial Smart Schedule form that is used for host-matching.

Child attributes

questionstringA question used for host matching.
answerTextstringThe scheduling user's answer.

surveyQuestions list

The (optional) surveyQuestions list contains the questions and answers from form presented at the end of the scheduling flow. The survey contains informational questions and answers that the host wants to collect from the user who is scheduling the meeting.

Child attributes

questionstringAn informational question asked by the host of the scheduling user.
answerstringThe scheduling user's answer.
isRequiredbooleanA flag indicating if the question is a required field in order to schedule the meeting.

Raleigh, NC a Cirruspath, Inc. company