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Introduction to Webhooks

Webhooks are a powerful tool that allow your applications to receive real-time updates when certain events occur in the Cirrus Insight system. Unlike traditional APIs where you would need to poll for data at regular intervals, webhooks push data to your application as soon as an event happens.

Webhooks are automated messages sent from Cirrus Insight when something happens. They are messages sent to a unique URL you provide. They act as "reverse APIs," pushing information to your application rather than requiring your application to request it.

Webhooks enable your application to receive notifications about specific events within the Cirrus Insight system, such as when a meeting is booked, rescheduled or cancelled. By alerting your application when a Cirrus Insight event occurs, developers can build workflows that are important to your organizations and tailor your team's use of Cirrus Insight to your specific business needs.


Real-Time Data

Webhooks provide instant notifications, which means your application can respond to events as they happen. This is essential for applications that require timely data processing or updates.


By pushing data to your application only when an event occurs, webhooks reduce the need for constant polling. This not only decreases the load on your servers but also ensures that your application is always working with the most current data.


Webhooks can be used to trigger automated workflows in your application. For example, updating a CRM record when a meeting is booked or initiating a follow-up task.


Webhooks allow your application to scale more efficiently. As your application grows, webhooks can handle the increasing volume of event notifications without requiring additional resources for data polling.


By receiving events from Cirrus Insight, your application can seamlessly integrate bespoke workflows within your broader ecosystem, such as syncing with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, analytics platforms, or other third-party services.


CRM Integration

Automatically update customer records in your CRM when specific activities occur in Cirrus Insight, ensuring your sales team always has up-to-date information.

Analytics and Reporting

Capture metrics in real-time, allowing for more accurate and timely reporting. Collect and archive data based on compliance or legal requirements.

Workflow Automation

Trigger custom business processes or notifications based on user interactions with emails, such as follow-up emails, task creation, or alerts.

Monitoring and Alerts

Set up monitoring systems to detect and alert on specific events, such as a high number of bounced emails, enabling quick response to potential issues.


  1. Create an Endpoint: Set up a webhook endpoint in the Cirrus Insight developer portal
  2. Subscribe: Pick the specific Event Types you are interested in, or subscribe to everything.
  3. Listen: When the event occurs within Cirrus Insight, we'll send a HTTP POST request to the configured endpoint with a payload containing theeventmodel payload.
  4. Process: Validate the signature from the request headers using your secret key, then perform the necessary actions based on the event.datamodel.
  5. Acknowledge: To ensure successful communication, your application should respond to the webhook request with a 200 OK status. This confirms that the event has been received and processed.

Raleigh, NC a Cirruspath, Inc. company