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Event Types

Event types play a crucial role in the functionality of Cirrus Insight webhooks.

Webhooks are a way for applications to receive real-time notifications when certain events occur. In the context of Cirrus Insight, these events can include actions like meeting scheduled, meeting rescheduled, and meeting canceled.

By understanding the different event types available, developers can effectively configure their webhook endpoints to receive specific notifications based on their application's needs. This allows for seamless integration with Cirrus Insight, enabling developers to build powerful and customized workflows.

Each event type provides detailed information about the payload structure, including the data that is sent when a particular event occurs.

Developer Events


This eventmodel is sent when a webhook endpoint configuration is being validated. In order for Cirrus Insight to begin sending any other events to an endpoint, the developer.webhook.test event must first be handled successfully.

The data payload for the test event is a simple object containing two fields:

    "webhookEndpoint": "",
    "username": ""

Scheduling Events

Smart Scheduler


This eventmodel is sent when a meeting is successfully scheduled using the Smart Scheduler feature in Cirrus Insight. Developers can use this event to trigger specific actions or notifications in their application.

The data payload contains a meetingmodel object.


This eventmodel is sent when a previously scheduled meeting is rescheduled using the Smart Scheduler feature in Cirrus Insight. Developers can use this event to update their application with the new meeting details or trigger any necessary actions.

The data payload contains a meetingmodel object.


This eventmodel is sent when a scheduled meeting is canceled using the Smart Scheduler feature in Cirrus Insight. Developers can use this event to update their application accordingly or trigger any necessary actions in response to the cancellation.

The data payload contains a meetingmodel object.

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