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Event object

The event object represents an event triggered by a webhook. It contains identifying and informational fields about the event. The event object also enrichment data about the event. The data field is polymorphic based on the Event Type that intitated the webhook. The event object serves as a crucial component in handling and processing webhook-triggered events.

The Event schema

    "organizationGuid": "",
    "eventId": "",
    "webhookId": "",
    "endpointUrl": "",
    "eventTimestamp": "",
    "deliveryAttempt": 0,
    "deliveryTimestamp": "",
    "data": {},
    "eventType": ""


organizationGuid string

The unique identifier of the organization.

eventId string

The unique identifier of the event.

webhookId string

The unique identifier of the webhook.

endpointUrl string

The URL where the webhook should send the event payload.

eventTimestamp string

The timestamp when the event occurred as an ISO 8601 string in UTC.

deliveryAttempt number

The number of delivery attempts made for the event.

deliveryTimestamp string

The timestamp when this delivery attempt was delivered as an ISO 8601 string in UTC.

data object

Additional data associated with the event. This is a polymorphic field and is dependent on the eventType.

eventType string

The type of the event. See Event Types.

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